Sunday, May 22, 2011

Where do I begin?

Going green... ok? What the heck does that mean? We've all heard that phrase before, but what does it mean to you? Does it mean selling everything you own, leaving your everyday life as you know it and living off of nature in a forest somewhere? Well it could... if you're that, umm, dedicated. But I am willing to bet, judging by the fact that you are reading this blog on a computer right now, that you have no intention of wiping your bum with leaves and sleeping in a tree somewhere anytime soon. Neither do I, but what I do want to know is what I can do to go green without giving up my life as I know it.

So, where do I begin? Where does the average twenty-something, with many other things besides saving the envirnment on her mind, begin? Small. I'll start small and incase you haven't noticed that's exactly what this blog will be about. I want to learn what someone such as myself can do to make a difference, however small it may be, and share what I learn with you each week. I want to know what can be done in everyday life and what can be learned about how to live a green lifestyle.

I am anticipating that this journey that I am setting out on will not be as easy as it looks and I am willing to bet that I am not the only one that struggles with the inconvience of living a green lifestyle. I plan on documenting the steps that I take to change my ways and I promise to be as honest as possible in sharing my experiences. This blog will be an honest account of what it is like going green in 2011.


  1. I'm really looking forward to reading your blog. I've been making baby steps towards trying to live green, but it's mostly trying to recycle. I'd love to learn what else I can do.

  2. Thanks for the post, looking forward to following your progress. I think we should all give a little more love to mother nature!

  3. Love your opening comments, and am looking forward to learning more about your journey toward green!

  4. I appreciate your interest in my blog, it is encouraging to know that other people believe that going green is an important step to take. I hope that I am able to give you a little more information about how to become green yourself. I do though, have to apologize for the two most recent blog posts, they aren't really a document of my journey to go green, more a political stand on the issue. I wanted people to know where I am coming from, and why going green is important to me. Now that I have that out of my system I will try to focus my next few blog posts on what I am actually doing to go green. I hope you all stay tuned!
