Friday, June 17, 2011

My Blogging Journey

I set out on this blogging journey just a short time ago with a certain goal in mind. Along the way I found myself taking a bit of a detour. It was my full intention to create a blog that simply documented my attempt at going green (hence the name of the blog). But, if you have been following me the past few weeks you may have noticed that my posts have not been that simple.

The time I spent researching all the ways an individual or a household could go green left me feeling, well, helpless. I'm not saying that there's nothing we can do as individuals or families, but what I realized was that the things that really make the biggest difference are the things that require a whole city or country to come together and do. This realization is what sparked my interest into the subject of my most recent posts, clean energy legislation.

As I set my sights on something a bit more ambitious I began researching what kind of progress our country has made in combating climate change and implementing policies that focus on clean energy for our future. What I have realized is that implementing these policies is much easier said than done. Furthermore I have also realized that not everyone, i.e. the majority of the House, is not on the same page and are just as passionate about not implementing this kind of legislation as I am passionate about implementing it.

My research also lead me to the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, a bill that passed in the House (before the Republican majority) and was rejected by the Senate. Currently the bill is sitting in limbo, with all the focus being put on the debt crisis and unemployment, clean energy legislation has taken a back seat. After reading small bits and pieces of information on the Bill I have decided that it is important to bring attention back to this kind of legislation. Unless we keep pushing our Representatives and our President to focus on the Bill and others like it, it will just be forgotten.

So, this is where my journey has lead me, it has given me the inspiration to become more involved and to become more educated on the topic of clean energy legislation. Maybe the next step on my journey will be to start another blog, a blog with a better title, perhaps... “Americans For a Clean Energy Future.”

1 comment:

  1. Your blog may not be able to influence and affect as many people, or on a big scale like you could imagine, but it has not fallen on death ears. After reading your blog I have found myself making small changes that I never even thought about before, I go out of my way to recycle, try and run less water, turn off lights/up the AC, etc.
    So even if it does take a whole city or area to make changes, if the majority of people in that area made changes we would be there.
